
Fabien Roffler

Assistant Manager Audit

Statutory Auditing and Auditing Revision According to Person and Company Law (PGR) | Auditing of Consolidated Accounts | International Reporting | Specific Statutory Audits | Other Audits

Executive summary

Fabien Roffler successfully completed his part-time bachelor's degree with a major in Management and Law at the Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts in 2018. During his studies he made his way into auditing. Before joining BDO (Liechtenstein) AG, Fabien Roffler worked for one and a half years for an auditing company in Zug and for another two years as an assistant auditor in the Principality of Liechtenstein. Since 2019 Fabien Roffler has been pursuing his training to become an auditor.

Fabien Roffler has been working for BDO (Liechtenstein) AG as an assistant auditor since January 2020.